Library Love

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Book Details for Librarians
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How about a poster for the library? This year’s poster is the real High Water Tower in Cochem. It’s the inspiration for the beloved Palace Agricultural Library in the books. The High Water Tower stands below the Cochem castle, on the bank of the Mosel River. The beautiful castles along the Mosel and Rhine Rivers inspired the fictional world of the Seven Kingdoms.
A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale about the magic of speaking up
About the Book:
When you’re 15th in line to the throne, it’s hard to make a name for yourself. The youngest princess of Cochem still needs a christening and she’s ten. She can’t get a word in edgewise and her fairy godmother isn’t helping. If the princess doesn’t get a name in 15 days, she’ll be invisible for life!
Publication date: Oct 2020
978-3-9820075-1-9 (Hardcover)
978-3-9820075-0-2 (Pbk)
978-9820075-2-6 (eBook)
978-3-949220-09-8 (AI audio) 6 hours 54 min
Page count: 266
Trim size: 6 x 9 inches
Retail Price: $5.99 ebook / $16.99 pbk / $26.99 case laminate / AI audio $9.99
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data
Names: Decher, Laurel, author.
Title: Trouble with parsnips / Laurel Decher.
Series: A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale; book 1.
Description: Peacham, VT: Bumpity Boulevard Press, 2018.
Identifiers: ISBN 978-3-9820075-1-9 (Hardcover) | 978-3-9820075-0-2 (pbk.) | 9783982007526 (ebook) | LCCN 2018907982
Summary: A nameless princess re-invents herself and saves her kingdom when she learns to speak up in a crisis.
Subjects: LCSH Kings, queens, rulers, etc.–Fiction. | Public speaking–Fiction. | Inventors–Fiction. | Inventions–Fiction. | Self-actualization (Psychology)–Fiction. | Fantasy. | BISAC JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy & Magic | JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories | Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes/ Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
Classification: LCC PZ7.D3557 Tr 2018 | DDC [Fic]–dc23
Cataloging information for Germany:
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
ATOS Book Level: 5.1 (Grade 4)
Lexile Display: 690L
Word Count: 60567
MSL (mean sentence length): 9.794
MLF (mean log frequency): 3.576
Subjects: Juvenile Fiction
/Social Themes/ Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
/Humorous Stories
/Fantasy & Magic
Comparable titles:
- Tuesdays at the Castle (9781599906447)
- Once Upon A Marigold (9780152050849)
- The Adventurer’s Guide to Successful Escapes (9780316305266)
About the author:
Laurel Decher lives on the outskirts of a mid-sized city in Germany, between a medieval chapel on the St. James’ Way and a boundary marker tree carved with a scary face. It’s a little surprising, since she expected to live in Vermont for the rest of her life. You just never know when adventure will call!
Overdrive Author page:
About the publisher:
Bumpity Boulevard Press
P.O. Box 191
Peacham, VT 05862
Overdrive Publisher page:
How can a prince lead when he’s always lost?
About the Book:
Argh! Twelve-year-old Crown Prince Nero is lost again. How will he ever lead the Blackfly Kingdom? His fairy godfather gave him a magnetic personality to make him charming.
Only now he’s a trouble-magnet–for compasses, maps and magical creatures. Worse, his royal mom has kidnapped St. Nicholas. Nero’s got to map out a rescue right away!
Publication date: Nov 2019
978-3-9820075-5-7 (Hardcover)
978-3-9820075-4-0 (Pbk)
978-3-9820075-3-3 (eBook)
978-3-949220-14-2 (AI audio) 7 hours 31 min (2nd edition: Sept 2024)
Page count: 290
Trim size: 6 x 9 inches
Retail Price: $5.99 ebook / $16.99 pbk / $26.99 case laminate / $9.99 AI audio
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data
Names: Decher, Laurel, author
Title: Lost with leeks / Laurel Decher.
Series: A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale ; book 2.
Description: Peacham, VT: Bumpity Boulevard Press, 2019.
Summary: When a prince with no sense of direction learns to find his way, he saves St. Nicholas from the dungeon and his kingdom from exile.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019915464 | ISBN 978-3-9820075-5-7 (Hardcover) | 978-3-9820075-4-0 (pbk.) | 978-3-9820075-3-3 (ebook)
Subjects: Kings, queens, rulers, etc.–Fiction. | Hot air balloons–Fiction. | Dragons–Fiction. | Nicholas, Saint, Bishop of Myra–Fiction. | Saint Nicholas Day–Fiction. | Santa Claus–Fiction. | Self-actualization (Psychology)–Fiction. | Fantasy. | BISAC JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy & Magic | JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories | JUVENILE FICTION / Holidays & Celebrations / Christmas & Advent | Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes / Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance Classification: PZ7.D3557 Lo 2019 | DDC [Fic]–dc23
Cataloging information for Germany:
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
ATOS Book Level: 4.9 (Grade 4)
Lexile Display: 710L
Word Count: 64819
MSL (mean sentence length): 9.861
MLF (mean log frequency): 3.544
Juvenile Fiction /
Social Themes/ Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
Humorous Stories
Holidays & Celebrations / Christmas & Advent
Comparable titles:
- Tuesdays at the Castle (9781599906447)
- Once Upon A Marigold (9780152050849)
- The Adventurer’s Guide to Successful Escapes (9780316305266)
About the author:
Laurel Decher lives on the outskirts of a mid-sized city in Germany, between a medieval chapel on the St. James’ Way and a boundary marker tree carved with a scary face. It’s a little surprising, since she expected to live in Vermont for the rest of her life. You just never know when adventure will call!
Overdrive Author page:
About the publisher:
Bumpity Boulevard Press
P.O. Box 191
Peacham, VT 05862
Overdrive Publisher page:
LOST WITH LEEKS on Overdrive
Will the Seven Kingdoms be the friendliest place in the world? Or the rudest?
About the Book:
The eleven-year-old royal Saffron twins—Princess Saffy and Prince Magellan–have to save the Seven Kingdoms from the Blackfly Queen’s dangerous new magical candies!
The trouble starts when the Blackfly Queen introduces a brand-new holiday guaranteed to make her the most beloved queen in the Seven Kingdoms: Valentine’s Day!?!
This year, Valentine’s Day falls on the same day as the Rose Monday Parade. Instead of delighting the crowds with traditional candies, the queen has a dastardly plan. She’s making Consternation Hearts with magical powers, a.k.a. candy hearts with messages good for every day of the year . . . like “Go to the Water Dungeon!”
Publication date: Jan 2022
978-3-949220-11-1 (Jacketed case laminate)
978-3-949220-04-3 (Pbk)
978-3-949220-03-6 (eBook)
978-3-949220-13-5 (AI audio) 4 hours 47 min
Page count: 202
Trim size: 6 x 9 inches
Retail Price: $5.99 ebook / $16.99 pbk /$28.99 jacketed case laminate / $9.99 AI audio
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data
Names: Decher, Laurel, author.
Title: Trouble at the Valentine factory / Laurel Decher.
Series: A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale
Description: Peacham, VT: Bumpity Boulevard Press, 2022. | Summary: When the jealous Blackfly queen introduces Valentine’s Day, the eleven-year-old Saffron twins have to stop her from poisoning the Seven Kingdoms with dangerously rude hearts.
Identifiers: LCCN: 2021906043 | ISBN: 978-3-949220-04-3 (paperback) | 978-3-949220-03-6 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH Twins–Juvenile fiction. | Valentine’s Day–Juvenile fiction. | Cupids–Juvenile fiction. | Kings, queens, rulers, etc.–Juvenile fiction. | Self-actualization (Psychology)–Fiction. | Fantasy. | BISAC JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy & Magic | BISAC JUVENILE FICTION / Holidays & Celebrations / Valentine’s Day | JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories | JUVENILE FICTION / People & Places / Europe | JUVENILE FICTION / Royalty | JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Dragons, Unicorns & Mythical
Classification: LCC PZ7.D3557 Tr 2022 | DDC [Fic]–dc23
Cataloging information for Germany:
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der
Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind
im Internet über abrufbar.
ATOS Book Level: 5.0
Lexile Display: N/A
Word Count: 43,000
MSL (mean sentence length): 9.4
Comparable titles: Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George
About the author:
Laurel Decher lives on the outskirts of a mid-sized city in Germany, between a
medieval chapel on the St. James’ Way and a boundary marker tree carved
with a scary face. It’s a little surprising, since she expected to live
in Vermont for the rest of her life. You just never know when adventure
will call!
Overdrive Author page:
About the publisher:
Bumpity Boulevard Press
P.O. Box 191
Peacham, VT 05862
Overdrive Publisher page:
UNDER PRESSURE WITH A SQUASH: The Multiplication Problem
Some problems multiply faster than others . . .
About the Book:
Eleven-year-old Princess Saffy hits the bullseye every time. That’s the point of a contest. Prince Magellan’s whole heart is in his map projects. He has no time for pointless multiplication tests. When their beloved dragon gets them in trouble with the Fairy Kingdom, the Saffron twins must face test after test! How can they beat the PRESSURE? Get on board the Hubbard submarine and find out! OhOOOOGA! OhOOOOOOOGA! Dive! Dive!
Publication date: Oct 2020
978-3-9820075-9-5 (Hardcover)
978-3-9820075-8-8 (Pbk)
978-3-9820075-7-1 (eBook)
978-3-949220-15-9 (AI audio 2nd edition.) 7 hours 16 min (2nd edition: Oct 8, 2024)
Page count: 300
Trim size: 6 x 9 inches
Retail Price: $5.99 ebook / $16.99 pbk / $26.99 case laminate / $9.99 AI audio
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data
Names: Decher, Laurel, author.
Title: Under pressure with a squash : the multiplication problem / Laurel Decher.
Series: A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale ; book 3.
Description: Peacham, VT: Bumpity Boulevard Press, 2020.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020909937 | ISBN 978-3-9820075-9-5 (Hardcover) | 978-3-9820075-8-8 (pbk.) | 978-3-9820075-7-1 (ebook)
When eleven-year-old royal twins face test after test to rescue their
hungry dragon, they change their minds about how much scores matter.
LCSH Kings, queens, rulers, etc.–Fiction. | Twins–Fiction. |
Dragons–Fiction. | Schools–Fiction. | Fairies–Fiction. | Fantasy. |
and Education | JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Dragons, Unicorns and
Mythical | JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories | JUVENILE FICTION /
Social Themes / Self-Esteem and Self-Reliance
Classification: LCC PZ7.D3557 Un 2020 | DDC [Fic]–dc23
Cataloging information for Germany:
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der
Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind
im Internet über abrufbar.
ATOS Book Level: 4.8 (Grade 4)
Lexile Display: 680L
Word Count: 64334
MSL (mean sentence length): 9.287
MLF (mean log frequency): 3.526
Subjects: Juvenile Fiction
/Social Themes/ Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
/Humorous Stories
/Fantasy & Magic
Comparable titles:
- Tuesdays at the Castle (9781599906447)
- Once Upon A Marigold (9780152050849)
- The Adventurer’s Guide to Successful Escapes (9780316305266)
About the author:
Decher lives on the outskirts of a mid-sized city in Germany, between a
medieval chapel on the St. James’ Way and a boundary marker tree carved
with a scary face. It’s a little surprising, since she expected to live
in Vermont for the rest of her life. You just never know when adventure
will call!
Overdrive Author page:
About the publisher:
Bumpity Boulevard Press
P.O. Box 191
Peacham, VT 05862
Overdrive Publisher page:
RULE TROUBLE: The Case of the Illegal Dragon
A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale about friends on opposite sides of the rules.
About the Book:
Eleven-year-old Prince Vlad isn’t worried about his new assignment as judge in the Magenta Educational Royal Court for Youth, until his best friends show up with an illegal baby dragon.
Publication date: Sept 2022
978-3-949220-00-5 (Hardcover)
978-3-949220-01-2 (Pbk)
978-3-949220-02-9 (eBook)
978-3-949220-12-8 (AI audio) (Coming Nov 2024)
5 hours 14 min
LCCN: 2022904714
Page count: 230 pages
Trim size: 6 x 9 inches
Retail Price: $5.99 ebook / $16.99 pbk / $26.99 case laminate
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data
Names: Decher, Laurel, author.
Title: Rule trouble : the case of the illegal dragon / Laurel Decher.
Series: A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale; book 4.
Description: Peacham, VT: Bumpity Boulevard Press, 2022.
Identifiers: ISBN 978-3-949220-00-5 (Hardcover) | 978-3-949220-01-2 (pbk.) | 978-3-949220-02-9 (ebook) | 978-3-949220-12-8 (AI audiobook)
LCCN: 2022904714
Summary: Eleven-year-old Prince Vlad isn’t worried about his new assignment as judge in the Magenta Educational Royal Court for Youth, until his best friends show up with an illegal baby dragon.
Subjects: LCSH Kings, queens, rulers, etc.–Fiction. | Twins–Fiction. | Dragons–Fiction. | Self-actualization (Psychology)–Fiction. | Mystery and detective stories. | Fantasy. | BISAC JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy & Magic | JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Dragons, Unicorns and Mythical | JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories | JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance | JUVENILE FICTION / Mysteries & Detective Stories | JUVENILE FICTION / School and Education
Classification: LCC PZ7.D3557 Rul 2022 | DDC [Fic]–dc23
Cataloging information for Germany:
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
ATOS Book Level: 4.9
AR points: 7
Lexile Display:
Word Count: 48,385
MSL (mean sentence length): 9.7
MLF (mean log frequency): 4.3
Subjects: Juvenile Fiction
/Social Themes/ Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
/Humorous Stories
/Fantasy & Magic
/ Animals / Dragons, Unicorns and Mythical
/ Mysteries & Detective Stories
/ School and Education
Comparable titles:
About the author:
Laurel Decher lives on the outskirts of a mid-sized city in Germany, between a medieval chapel on the St. James’ Way and a boundary marker tree carved with a scary face. It’s a little surprising, since she expected to live in Vermont for the rest of her life. You just never know when adventure will call!
Overdrive Author page:
About the publisher:
Bumpity Boulevard Press
P.O. Box 191
Peacham, VT 05862
Overdrive Publisher page:
RULE TROUBLE on Overdrive:
GIANT TROUBLE: The Mystery of the Magic Beans
Could you stick up for a giant?
A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale about standing up for outsiders (told from the perspective of eleven-year-old Prince William, whose international family moved to the Seven Kingdoms a few years ago).
About the Book:
Giant Trouble: The Mystery of the Magic Beans
Publication date: May 2024 (ebook available March 26, 2024)
978-3-949220-16-6 (Hardcover)
978-3-949220-17-3 (Pbk)
978-3-949220-18-0 (eBook)
Page count: 344 pages
Illustrations: 12 comic strips
Trim size: 6 x 9 inches
Retail Price: $5.99 ebook |$18.99 pbk | $32.99 hc with jacket
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data
Names: Decher, Laurel, author.
Title: Giant trouble: the mystery of the magic beans / Laurel Decher.
Series: A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale, book 5
Description: Peacham, VT: Bumpity Boulevard Press, 2024. | Summary: When the resident giant gets a case of mysterious food poisoning that sparks an invasion, eleven-year-old Prince William cooks up a plan to solve the mystery and campaign for peace.
Identifiers: LCCN: 2023912265 | ISBN: 978-3-949220-16-6 (hardcover) | 978-3-949220-17-3 (paperback) | 978-3-949220-18-0 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH Fairy tales–Adaptations. | Giants–Juvenile fiction. | Royalty–Juvenile fiction. | Mystery fiction. | Fantasy fiction. | Humorous stories. | BISAC JUVENILE FICTION / Mysteries & Detective Stories | JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories | JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy & Magic | JUVENILE FICTION / Fairy Tales & Folklore / Adaptations
Classification: LCC PZ7.D3557 Gi 2024 | DDC [Fic]–dc23
Cataloging information for Germany:
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
ATOS Book Level: 5.30
AR points: 11.00
Lexile Display:
Word Count: 71,460
MSL (mean sentence length): 10.37
Average word length: 4.36
Comparable titles:
About the author:
Laurel Decher lives on the outskirts of a mid-sized city in Germany, between a medieval chapel on the St. James’ Way and a boundary marker tree carved with a scary face. It’s a little surprising, since she expected to live in Vermont for the rest of her life. You just never know when adventure will call!
Overdrive Author page:
About the publisher:
Bumpity Boulevard Press
P.O. Box 191
Peacham, VT 05862
Overdrive Publisher page:
GIANT TROUBLE on Overdrive:
A Seven Kingdoms Short
About the Book:
Eleven-year-old Crown Prince Nero tries to rescue the Christmas Fair from gingerbread disaster.
Book Description:
Crown Prince Nero has his hands full when his royal mother decides to solve all their problems with her Quality Blackfly Gingerbread. The problem is. . .not everyone agrees what “Quality” means.
This short story is a quick taste (22 pages) of the magical world of the Seven Kingdoms for your favorite readers. For a full-length book, try A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale.
Publication date: Dec 2019
ISBN: 978-3-9820075-6-4 (eBook)
978-3-949220-10-4 (AI audio)
Page count: 22 pgs
Trim size: N/A
Retail Price: ebook available to Readers List subscribers only
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data
Names: Decher, Laurel, author.
Title: Trouble at the Christmas Fair / Laurel Decher.
Series: A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale; book 1.
Description: Peacham, VT: Bumpity Boulevard Press, 2019.
Identifiers: 978-3-9820075-6-4 (ebook)
Summary: Eleven-year-old Crown Prince Nero tries to rescue the Christmas Fair from gingerbread disaster.
Subjects: LCSH Kings, queens, rulers, etc.–Fiction. | Self-actualization (Psychology)–Fiction. | Fantasy. BISAC JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy & Magic | JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories | Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes / Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance JUVENILE FICTION / Holidays & Celebrations / Christmas & Advent
ATOS Book Level: 4.8 (Grade 3)
Word Count: 5,568
MSL (mean sentence length): 10.2
Comparable titles:
- Tuesdays at the Castle (9781599906447)
- Once Upon A Marigold (9780152050849)
- The Adventurer’s Guide to Successful Escapes (9780316305266)
About the author:
Laurel Decher lives on the outskirts of a mid-sized city in Germany, between a medieval chapel on the St. James’ Way and a boundary marker tree carved with a scary face. It’s a little surprising, since she expected to live in Vermont for the rest of her life. You just never know when adventure will call!
Overdrive Author page:
About the publisher:
Bumpity Boulevard Press
P.O. Box 191
Peacham, VT 05862
Overdrive Publisher page:
Three books in one ebook, paperback, or hardcover!
About the Book:
Three books about young leadership: An inventor princess earns a name, a perpetually lost prince learns to lead, and multiplying problems can’t defeat royal twins.
Publication date: Nov 2021
978-3-949220-07-4 (Hardcover)
978-3-949220-08-1 (Paperback)
978-3-949220-06-7 (eBook)
Page count: 752
Word count: 315,106
Trim size: 6.14 x 9.21 inches
Retail Price: $9.99 ebook / $34.99 pbk / $40.99 case laminate
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data
Names: Decher, Laurel, author.
Title: Seven Kingdoms fairy tales , books 1 – 3 / Laurel Decher.
Series: A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale Collection.
Description: Peacham, VT: Bumpity Boulevard Press, 2021.
Contents: Trouble with Parsnips; Lost with Leeks; Under Pressure With a Squash : The Multiplication Problem.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021918716 | ISBN 978-3-949220-07-4 (Hardcover) | 978-3-949220-06-7 (ebook)
Three books about young leadership: An inventor princess earns a name, a perpetually lost prince learns to lead, and royal twins master problems that multiply.
LCSH Kings, queens, rulers, etc.–Fiction. | Self-actualization (Psychology)–Fiction. | Fantasy. BISAC JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy & Magic | JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories | Juvenile Fiction / Social Themes / Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance
Classification: PZ7.D3557 Se 2021 | DDC [Fic]–dc23
Cataloging information for Germany:
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der
Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind
im Internet über abrufbar.
Lexile: Trouble With Parsnips (690L); Lost With Leeks (710L); Under Pressure With a Squash (680L)
Comparable titles:
- Tuesdays at the Castle (9781599906447)
- Once Upon A Marigold (9780152050849)
- The Adventurer’s Guide to Successful Escapes (9780316305266)
About the author:
Laurel Decher lives on the outskirts of a mid-sized city in Germany, between a
medieval chapel on the St. James’ Way and a boundary marker tree carved
with a scary face. It’s a little surprising, since she expected to live
in Vermont for the rest of her life. You just never know when adventure
will call!
Overdrive Author page:
About the publisher:
Bumpity Boulevard Press
P.O. Box 191
Peacham, VT 05862
Overdrive Publisher page:
SEVEN KINGDOMS FAIRY TALES:Books 1-3 on Overdrive:
Bumpity Boulevard Press Catalog
Do you need more information about the books? Use the tabbed book details above and/or download a fun, colorful catalog for Bumpity Boulevard Press.
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