February 4, 2025!
Could Ice Cream Sundaes Help?
In Rule Trouble: The Case of the Illegal Dragon, Vlad scoops a LOT of ice cream while trying to find a solution for this tricky case! His fairy godparent drives a flying ice cream truck and Vlad learns to make everything on the magical menu.
How the Pros make Spaghetti Sundaes:

There's a story behind every sundae . . .
In 1969, an Italian man by the name of Dario Fontanella Gregori invented an ice cream sundae inspired by a plate of spaghetti. According to their website, he was 17 years old when he was inspired by a dessert made of chestnut puree that was made with a potato ricer, “Mont Blanc”. The same family is still serving ice cream and coffee today at the café Eis Fontanella in Mannheim, Germany.

Gelato Artigianale Naturale
Natural Artisanal Ice Cream
From left to right:
chilled plate
spaghetti ice cream press
Vanilla ice cream (in scoop)
Whipped cream (hidden underneath the “spaghetti”)
white chocolate (grater)
Strawberry pulp (red “sauce”)
Spaghetti Ice Cream
The original, since 1969
Eis Fontanella (the name of the café)
Ice cream manufacturer, Mannheim (Germany)
Spaghetti Sundaes are a fun activity with the kids!
I made these with my Girl Scout Troop years ago. It was a smashing success.
What will you need?
- A large plastic tablecloth to protect surfaces.
- Chilled Potato Ricer to make the “spaghetti”
- Ice cream scoop or large spoon.
- Grater to grate white chocolate.
- Ingredients:
- Vanilla ice cream
- Whipping cream.
- Spaghetti sauce of your choice: the original is a mix of orange juice and strawberry puree. Personally, I prefer raspberry.
- White chocolate for the “Parmesan cheese”.
- Chilled plates or bowls.
- Spoons!
- Napkins!
Note: You can make the vanilla ice cream spaghetti and freeze it into individual portions, but making the spaghetti is the fun part.
Stories are everywhere--even in shopping malls!
Don’t you love exploring and discovering an unexpected treasure?
Inside this modern shopping mall, the staff of the Eis Fontanella café wear snazzy jackets and bright red aviator hats emblazoned with the name.
If I had seen this butcher block paper menu before, I would have added it to my story. This would be fun to do in a classroom for the ice cream menu!

Rule Trouble is about friendship and rules and what happens when everyone isn’t on the same side!