“Life in the Seven Kingdoms is never dull . . .” 

–Jen McConnel, School Library Journal




Review of Trouble With Parsnips framed with colorful parsnips

TADA!!! The very first STUDENT review for Trouble With Parsnips

From an amazing student in Japan!

My very first review from a student!!! SO exciting!! I’m so touched and grateful that she took the time to read and think about and write about the book.

Thank YOU SO MUCH to all of the reviewers! After all my time in the “drafting cave” and the “revision cave,” it’s a treat to hear your reactions to the finished story.

If you’ve posted a review, please let me know. I’d love to see it!

Reviews give stories wings–they really do!

*They also keep books from going invisible.*

Thanks to the trouble you took to write and post your reviews, TROUBLE WITH PARSNIPS is on its way to find readers who are looking for just this kind of story.

The people of the Seven Kingdoms curtsy and bow to you!! Hip, Hip, Hooray! (Except Queen Ash, but then, she never thanks anybody.)

May you always have a good book, a snack, and time to enjoy them both!

Recent reviews on GoodReads, Barnes & Noble, and other stores:

screenshot of review
screenshot of review
An inventive story about a spunky princess. A great deal of magical details and a lot of humour. A really fun an inventive read. ( )
KatiaGuzzardi | Jan 29, 2019


Just found out from Twitter that PARSNIPS got its very first review on Toppsta, a beautiful UK site that curates children’s books.

screenshot of book review

TROUBLE WITH PARSNIPS got its first review on Kobo!

A deliciously long review for Trouble With Parsnips showed up!

It is always a good sign when I finish a book in one night. I did it with Harry Potters 4/5/6 & 7; Garth Nix’s Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen; Philip Pullman’s novels were regularly devoured into the small hours; Terry Pratchett had me laughing while my eyes were held open with matchsticks* and now I can add this hilarious and hugely entertaining novel, Trouble with Parsnips to the list. Read J.G. Jones’ complete review here on GoodReads
