“Life in the Seven Kingdoms is never dull . . .” –Jen McConnel, School Library Journal

How to Get These Wonderful Kids Books At Your Library

half-timbered city library in Cochem
The real library in Cochem. ©Laurel Decher, 2021.

This is a public service announcement for you! 🙂 Did you know that you can get ebooks and audiobooks from your library free? Here are all the details about how and why to use Libby on your ereader, Kindle or tablet, or phone. There’s also an excellent list of book ideas for kids ages 9 to 12 and the links to the library that let you browse through them, free. Check it out! 🙂

Did you know you can get ebooks and audiobooks from your library?

The other day I found out that someone near and dear to me read ebooks regularly, but hadn’t realized that you can read ebooks free from your library.

Did you know you can check out books from your computer or ereader or phone? Many libraries around the world use Overdrive. Libby is the app that connects to Overdrive.

You can download the Libby app and it will help you locate your library, or even help you get a library card.


Did you know that you can get kids books from Libby?

The children’s section is one of the reasons a public library is so wonderful.

Libby has a collection of books for kids, so you can find something to read when the library is closed . . .

(or when you are dragging the kids somewhere and they are bored. A library book in Home Depot is a beautiful thing . . . just sayin’).

Did you know that you'll never have library fines?

Magical, isn’t it? You can “go” to the library when it’s closed, get books, add yourself to a waiting list, and books go back on fairy wings.

Get Libby?

get ebooks and audiobooks from your library with Libby for free

Librarians and Teachers: Now the Library Guide has a QR code!

Post a Library Guide in a convenient place and let patrons and students get their own PDF!

  • For readers who want to know more, before they commit to reading, book covers link to slightly longer Goodreads reviews.
  • Libby logos link to Libby.


Say that five times fast. 🙂

Happy Reading!

Libby Logos Link to Overdrive

What are you going to check out?

Maybe you don’t want your kids reading ebooks all the time. I get it. But you might find it useful to browse Libby for book gifts that you might give as paperbacks. You can see the whole book, not just whatever pages that giant store chooses to show you.

That’s why this booklist has the Libby links. You can see them on your computer–it will bring up Overdrive–even if you don’t have the Libby app. Either one will let you see if your local library has the book as an ebook.

Handy, isn’t it? 🙂

Are these books for our family?

Each book has a short description on the one-page PDF will help you decide if the books are for your readers. I remember what it’s like to keep up with voracious readers. 

Who has time to bring up kids AND read all the books to find the ones you want them to have?

Bookcovers are linked to my Goodreads reviews.

 If you need more, the bookcovers are linked to my reviews on Goodreads. The Libby logos on the PDF are linked to Overdrive, so you can scroll through the books themselves.

Monthly book reviews from me

Get the book reviews each month from my Readers List. (You also get a free short story.)

Need more books for the kids?

All the Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tales books are available for your library on Overdrive. More information for librarians here.

See more book shopping guides here.
