“Life in the Seven Kingdoms is never dull . . .” –Jen McConnel, School Library Journal

author photo
Everywhere Laurel goes, she's filling up with story ideas for colorful, exciting adventures for readers. This was a storybook day, but the more you look, the more you see stories everywhere!

Laurel Decher ©Jan Decher, Vernazza, Italy.

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Laurel Decher

lives in the outskirts of a mid-sized city in Germany, between a medieval chapel on St. James’ Way and a boundary marker tree complete with scary face. It’s a little surprising, since she expected to live in Vermont for the rest of her life. You just never know when adventure will call.

inside staircase and hallway in Pfalzgrafenstein castle
Inside the castle that inspired the Blackfly Kingdom: Pfalzgrafenstein.©Laurel Decher, 2021.
author hiking up stairs

Going off to work on the next book. ©Laurel Decher.

Why I write for ages 9 to 12:

The joys we discover early can turn into life-long fascinations. My books challenge readers ages 9 to 12 to open ALL the doors in their lives.

Until we reach retirement age, most of us will never again have a window of time, energy, and brain power like this.

My books are about enjoying reading superpowers and imagining delightfully silly places, while discovering life’s possibilities.

Laurel Decher author as a kid

Me, age 8, in the middle of an adventure.

Calling All Families with Voracious Readers!

Have your kids read all the Magic Treehouse series? Are you are running out of age-appropriate books that hold their attention? I might have something you’ll like.

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What do you get when Queen Ash goes to the Christmas Fair? Trouble!

Crown Prince Nero has his hands full when his royal mother decides to solve all their problems with her Quality Blackfly Gingerbread. The problem is. . .not everyone agrees what “Quality” means.

This short story is a quick taste (22 pages) of the magical world of the Seven Kingdoms for your favorite readers. Get it free for a limited time when you sign up for the Readers List. For a full-length book, try A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale.

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