What is international book giving day? https://bookgivingday.com/about/
Get the poster, bookmarks and bookplate here.
The website suggests 6 ways you can get involved:
14th February is about getting books into the hands of as many children as possible on 14th February #bookgivingday
“1 in 8 disadvantaged children in the UK don’t own a single book” [source: National Literacy Trust, Dec 2017]
6 Ways You Can Get Involved in International Book Giving Day!
- Subscribe to our website, join over 14,000 already committed to #bookgivingday.
- Leave a book for a child to discover, donate to a local charity.
- Connect with others celebrating International Book Giving Day via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram #bookgivingday
- Download and print an International Book Giving Day bookmark and/or bookplate to attach to a book you give. They’re free!
- Share a photo of yourself celebrating International Book Giving Day. Use #bookgivingday on social media so we can find you.
- Invite your community to celebrate International Book Giving Day. Proudly display the #bookgivingday poster.
In addition, we encourage people to support the work of nonprofit organisations (i.e. charities) that work year round to give books to children. See the links in the side bar. This is not a comprehensive list, by any means.
International Book Giving Day has continued to grow & grow since it began in 2012.
International Book Giving Day is celebrated by people in over 44 countries, including – Ukraine, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Australia, Canada, South Africa, France, India, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, the Philippines, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Brazil, Egypt, Poland, Greece, Portugal, Mexico, Macedonia, Malawi, Hungary, Malaysia, Israel, Denmark, Sri Lanka, Serbia, Thailand, Indonesia, Jordan, China, Puerto Rico and Bulgaria.
We hope that people around the world will think about the best ways to help children in need in their communities.
International Book Giving Day is a 100% volunteer initiative aimed at increasing children’s access to and enthusiasm for books.
International Book Giving Day is run by Emma Perry (My Book Corner, UK) and brilliantly supported by Catherine Friess – Story Snug (Germany) on Twitter.Contact: Emma Perry . email: emperry @ gmail dot com — general enquiries