“Life in the Seven Kingdoms is never dull . . .” –Jen McConnel, School Library Journal

Shopping for Kids’ Books (ages 9 to 12) at your Home or Library?

Do your kids NEED something to read? 

  1. It’s school vacation and bleak weather-ing and you need family-friendly entertainment.
  2. The family trip to the relatives means hours in the car, train, boat, or plane.
  3. Screen time is at an all-time high, and you need alternatives now.
  4. Your relatives are asking for gift ideas for the kids.
  5. Your school or library is looking for fresh, book recommendations from human 🙂 readers.


Have your kids read ALL the books? Have they read all the Diary of a Wimpy Kid (or Wings of Fire or The Magic Treehouse books)? Are you wondering how to find new books that are just right for them?

It’s not easy or quick to find books for kids ages 9 to 12. Flipping through picture books is fairly quick, but books for elementary school or primary grades take longer to read.

Tip: For picture books, I recommend Story Snug.

Here’s a little help for you–Every month in my Readers List, I suggest my new favorite book for this age group. You can sign up, if you’re interested. There’s no charge.

Once a year, I put together a convenient “book menu” for you. You can scan for interesting titles using the headers and quick one line summaries. If you need to know more, click on the book covers to go to my reviews on Goodreads.

Get the “book menus” or shopping guides right on this page. They don’t cost anything. They are my gift to you.

Take one to the library or bookstore and amaze the kids with wonderful books!

You might even have time to look for your own books. 🙂 Wouldn’t that be a luxury? 🙂

They’re like a box of chocolates for avid readers 🙂 Your kids will enjoy browsing, because . . .

  • Not overwhelming–the right number of books
  • Book covers and one-liners hint at contents–more than just an author and title.
  • Convenient for your bookstore or library
  • Helpful for choosing a gift for a child’s birthday or special celebration. Books are always a good choice!

Teachers, Librarians, and Bookstore owners:

Help young readers get booked!

  1. Download any Book Menu on this page,
  2. Post it in your school, library, or bookstore,
  3. Point out the QR code to students and patrons,
  4. Give everyone lots of ideas for kids who need books!

Every Book Menu has a QR code:

QR code for Book Menu for Voracious Reader page

Here’s my latest menu of books for hungry readers. I’ve read all of these (and many others) this year and you can see my reviews on Goodreads by clicking on the titles or covers of the books.

Feel free to share and to comment about favorite books you’ve read this year for 9 to 12 year olds!

Books for everyone!!! 🙂

screen shot of blog post recommending more books

Need even MORE? Check out another list of mine here. The screenshot shows part of the list.

Teachers, Librarians, and Bookstore owners:

  1. Download any Book Menu on this page,
  2. Post it in your school, library, or bookstore,
  3. Point out the QR code to students and patrons,
  4. Give everyone lots of ideas for kids who need books!

Every Book Menu download has a QR code:

QR code for Book Menu for Voracious Reader page