“Life in the Seven Kingdoms is never dull . . .” –Jen McConnel, School Library Journal

How I recycled to make a cover for my new kobo Clara color ereader

This is the story of a quiet afternoon and what came out of it. Using what you have can remind you that you have “enough” already, sometimes more than enough. If you like to “use what you have”, you might enjoy this step-by-step way to make an ereader cover from an old ice cream bucket. My kobo clara color ereader is ready for adventure now!

Got re-connected to my home culture of books 🙂

I loved my kobo Aura, and it still works, for everything but library books. But we are a library family and an expat family and that means ebooks are the lifeline to home.

Color versus B&W

I didn’t mean to buy the color one, and was chasing myself for overspending, because it was pretty. The specifications for both black and white and color editions of the Clara look identical.

I couldn’t see the two models side by side but the color overlay makes the screen darker. (Compared to my black and white kobo Aura). There is a light, but I don’t use mine because it’s easier on the eyes to read without it. #readingforhours

Color means I can find books at a glance–and all my existing books look fresh and interesting–and the latest issue of Indie Author Magazine was a whole new experience. Highlighting in color could become a serious addiction. 🙂 I told myself it would be useful to make my books better. Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tales do have color illustrations, so maybe I wasn’t lying to myself.

No Budget For a Cover?

So, no regrets and no budget for a cover. My husband asked, “Why don’t you sew one?” and I remembered the magic in life called “use what you have”. Here’s what happened next. . .

shiny new kobo ereader with a box that looks like a book
The cardboard box for the ereader (kobo Clara colour) was also made to look like a book. I think kobo loves print books too. 🙂

An ice cream container makes a protective edge

recycle a plastic ice cream container to make a protective edge for a new ereader

The lid of an ice cream container makes a protective edge.

Reinforced the back

Tried to minimize the plastic by trimming away overlap and reinforced back with an extra piece of plastic

Extra plastic trimmed away and a square taped to each side to lock in the spacing. Square cutout so I can reach power button on the back of the ereader.

#tech  LOL 🙂

power button is on the back

I didn’t notice the little green recycling logo until now. It says: “Verpackung recyclebar.” The packaging  is recyclable. #true

space for cable to plug in

Power outlet cutout. Expiration date doesn’t apply to this cover. 🙂 The ice cream has long since turned into ice coffee drinks. #NoExpiration

eReader in plastic bucket

Kobo Clara in protective bucket. A perfect fit. The edges are a little spring-y, but I think that will provide extra cushioning to protect it.

Make It Fine . . .

clothes pins hold fabric for glue-ing

Bookbinding for the 21st century?

I wrapped the ice cream lid in purple corduroy and glued it with a hot glue gun. I cut an X in the square power button window and cut to the corners of the power outlet and glued those down too.

Clothespins ran out so binder clips came into play and this started to feel like bookbinding.

The word kobo is another “format” of the word book, just the way an ebook is an anagram of a print book, so bookbinding feels right.

Now for a little cushioning and elegance:

The ribbons are glued onto the plastic and I laid another flat square of ice cream container over the glue, to keep the ereader clean and to make the protective bucket stronger.

Woven ribbon from a traditional fabric store in Münster, Germany makes a great safeguard. Ribbons like these were made at home in an early tech-y cottage industry on looms with hundreds of thread spools.

More ice cream container to reinforce the front flap

I liked the ruffly selvage edge of the corduroy. It reminds me of the deckled edge of a printed book. The other edge is covered with ribbon to keep it from raveling. I stitched it on with the sewing machine.

more ice cream container plastic for a reinforced front flap
bright green lining

Unconsciously, I picked up the same color scheme as this website–purple and spring green. Your personality comes out when you use what you have to make something new. #Can’tHelpIt

Glued front on to spine, then hand-sewed the ribbon

attaching flap to protective bucket

3 snaps plus 1 on a new flap to cover the power button when it's closed.

ribbon is stitched down

My new kobo Clara is ready for adventure!

finished ereader cover